
Baltimore Sun Report Shows Patient Care Lacking and Events Often Unreported

In a recent article by the Baltimore Sun, the paper considers the growing problem of patient safety in hospitals and nursing homes across the State of Maryland. One of the biggest problems with the current system, the author argues, is that it does not require hospitals to disclose errors they make unless those errors result in a lawsuit or if regulators happen to catch the hospital covering up the mistake.

This sort of self-regulation, of course, is not in the interest of prospective patients, who need as much information as possible before making a decision about which hospital to go to for surgery.

The article also points out some startling statistics, including:

  • Medical errors kill over 400,000 Americans each year;
  • Approximately 4,000 Marylanders who are admitted to the hospital each year develop bedsores that progress to an advanced state;
  • The Maryland Health Care Commission identified over 400 cases of blood-stream infection in 2012 alone;
  • According to one government study, hospitals fail to report up to 85% of their mistakes each year;
  • One-fifth of doctors admit to having not disclosed an error to a patient for fear of a lawsuit;
  • In 2013, there were 223 reported “adverse events” (medical mistakes) in Maryland hospitals.

Many, if not all, of these “adverse events” are preventable if hospital staff provides patients with the proper level and kind of care.

Medical Malpractice Actions in Maryland

In Maryland, like all over the country, medical malpractice cases are not uncommon. With each of those adverse events that were disclosed, it is safe to assume that many of them resulted in a lawsuit of some kind. Most often, this lawsuit claims that some hospital worker—whether it is a doctor, nurse, surgeon, or administrative employee—was negligent in providing care to the victim.

If a victim of medical malpractice is able to prove his or her case to a jury, he or she may be entitled to a substantial monetary award to compensate him or her for the injuries. However, the hospitals and doctors will likely not concede without putting up a fight. Therefore, it is best for any victim of medical malpractice to retain the services of a dedicated Maryland malpractice attorney before proceeding.

Have You Been the Victim of Medical Malpractice?

If you believe that you have recently been the victim of medical malpractice, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. However, you cannot wait for the hospital to tell you that you have a case. Consider contacting a dedicated and experienced Maryland personal injury attorney to discuss your case prior to acting. The Maryland personal injury law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers has years of experience representing clients in all kinds of personal injury lawsuits, including medical malpractice claims. To learn more about Maryland’s malpractice laws, and to schedule a free initial consultation, click here or call 410-654-3600 today. There is no risk in calling, for we will not bill you unless we can recover for you.

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