
Maryland Parents Sue Peninsula Medical Center and Salisbury OB/GYN for Wrongful Death After Baby Dies in Womb

The parents of a baby that died in her mother’s womb are suing the Peninsula Regional Medical Center and Salisbury obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. John M. Woods for physician negligence resulting in wrongful death. In the lawsuit, filed on behalf of Jennifer Sheller and her companion John Bealefeld last February, Sheller, who sought medical help at the PRMC’s emergency department after experiencing vaginal bleeding and severe pain, was discharged by Woods without an examination.

By the time she returned to the hospital following increased pain and bleeding several hours later, Sheller’s unborn baby Kirra Faith was dead in the womb. Sheller was later diagnosed with a placental abruption—a condition that could potentially cause a fetus’s death.

If Kirra Faith hadn’t died, she would have been delivered by cesarean section 13 days later on March 5. Her parents, Sheller and Bealefeld, are seeking financial compensation from PRMC and Woods for over $30,000.

This is not the first medical malpractice case filed against Woods this year. In April, Woods and Dr. Michele Urban, a former partner, were found liable for the permanent injuries suffered by a Bridgeville woman because her bladder was accidentally stitched in 2004. The medical mistake killed organ tissue and she now suffers from permanent urine leakage.

OBGYN Malpractice Mistakes May Include:

• Birthing Injuries
• Surgical mistakes
• Failure to diagnose placental abruption, ovarian cancer, and other serious conditions
• Failure to evaluate mammogram tests
• Failure to conduct pap smears and properly analyze results
• Performing a pap smear incorrectly
• Failure to test for birth defects
Parents sue doctor after baby died in the womb,, August 26, 2008
Related Web Resources:

Peninsula Regional Medical Center

Placental Abruption

Contact our Maryland medical malpractice lawyers at Lebowitz & Mzhen today.

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