
Navigating a Lawsuit After a Maryland DUI Crash

The consequences of a Maryland DUI crash can be serious and long-lasting for victims and their family members. But taking some important steps can help address some issues that can come up. For one, it is important to keep any evidence from the crash, including photos, the contact information of witnesses, and notes of relevant pieces of information. Victims should also obtain a copy of the police report from the crash and report the crash to their insurance company. They should also keep copies of medical records and receipts for any medical expenses, including physical therapy and prescriptions. Victims should also follow the recommendations of doctors concerning their medical treatment to avoid being blamed for failing to address or mitigate injuries.

Should I speak with a lawyer after a Maryland DUI accident?

Yes, speaking with an experienced Maryland DUI accident lawyer is important to determine an accident victim’s rights. Even if a driver was not convicted of DUI in a criminal case against them, a lawsuit may still be possible. Every case has a statute of limitations which means that the case must be filed within a certain amount of time, so talking to a lawyer as soon as possible is very important. Generally, lawsuits filed after a DUI crash are based in negligence and rely on showing that the at-fault driver is liable because his actions fell below the standard of care required.

Experts are necessary in many DUI cases, as they can explain issues that are not within the common knowledge of most people—such as how alcohol impairment affected the driver or how the victim’s injuries required certain services or treatments. Victims might be able to recover damages including medical bills, loss of future earnings, property damages, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

NFL Player Charged After Fatal DUI Crash

A former NFL player, Henry Ruggs III, was recently charged with four felonies and a misdemeanor after a fatal DUI crash in Las Vegas. According to a news report, the crash occurred around 3:40 a.m. when Ruggs’s vehicle slammed into an S.U.V. The driver of the S.U.V. was found dead in her vehicle. Her dog was also killed in the crash. Ruggs’s girlfriend was also in his car and was injured in the crash. The district attorney’s office said that Ruggs had a blood alcohol level of 0.16, which is twice the state’s legal limit, and that he was driving up to 156 miles per hour. He was charged with two counts of driving under the influence causing death or substantial harm and two counts of reckless driving.

Consult with a Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer

The aftermath of a Maryland motor vehicle accident or other accident can be stressful and overwhelming. The Maryland personal injury attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC can help victims navigate the legal process after an injury or after the death of a loved one. With decades of combined experience, we have been fighting for the rights of accident victims and their families in the Maryland and Washington, D.C. area for years. Contact us online or call toll-free at 1-800-654-1949 to set up a free, no-obligation consultation.

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