
Third-Party Construction Site Accident Claims in Maryland

Construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States, and Maryland construction site accidents result in thousands of serious injuries and fatalities every year. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides safety practices and regulations to mitigate the danger in these workplaces. These regulations provide mandatory training, supervising, and inspections of workplaces. Despite the rigorous training many employers and employees must complete every year, accidents continue to rise.

These accidents can result in serious injuries related to traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, lacerations, electrocution, paralysis, and more. Treatment and rehabilitation for these conditions often far exceed the amount that health insurance and workers’ compensation covers. Further, the law bars many employees from filing lawsuits against their employers. As such, it is essential that injury victims and their families understand all potential defendants in these cases.

These claims typically fall under the purview of third-party claims. Third-party claims work to bridge the gap between what an employee’s workers’ compensation claim pays out and the residual damages they incurred. These claims are appropriate when a non-employer third party was at fault or partially at fault for the accident and resulting injuries.

For instance, US News recently reported on the death of a Maryland State Highway worker. According to the Maryland State Police, the highway worker suffered fatal injuries after being pinned to the trailer of his truck. Witnesses explained that the worker was pinned as an excavator rotated to move a concrete barrier near the highway shoulder. The excavator operator sustained non-life-threatening injuries. The Maryland State Police and Maryland Occupation and Health Department are investigating the accident.

In a case such as the one above, the excavator operator or manufacturer may be responsible for the accident. The operator may be negligent depending on the specific circumstances that led the excavator to pin the victim. Further, the company manufacturing the excavator may be liable if the accident resulted from a design or manufacturing defect.

When Can a Construction Worker Bring a Third-Party Injury Claim?

Third-party claims may also apply when the accident stems from defective equipment, uneven surfaces, slip-and-falls, toxin exposure, faulty wiring, collapses, fire hazards, and explosions. After a construction site accident, victims should contact an attorney to discuss their rights and preserve any potential remedies.

Have You Suffered Injuries at a Maryland Construction Site?

If you or someone you know has suffered serious injuries or died in a Maryland construction accident, the attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen can help you pursue a lawsuit against the negligent party. The attorneys at our office understand the complex procedural and statutory laws that govern Maryland tort claims. We use our skills, knowledge and resources to ensure that our clients receive the best possible representation in their compensation claims. Our office handles Maryland accident cases stemming from construction sites, motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, and premises liability. Contact our office at 800-654-1949 to schedule a free initial consultation with a highly-rated Maryland accident attorney on our legal team. Calling is free, and we will not bill you for our services unless we can recover compensation on your behalf.

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