
Newborn Baby Delivered Prematurely After Pregnant Mother Was Struck by Runaway Van is Dead

The baby of a New York woman who was struck by a runaway van and pinned under a bus while she was still pregnant with him has died. Sean Michael Justin Sanz passed away in intensive care on August 22 after being born prematurely on August 14.

His mother, New York Traffic Agent Donnette Sanz, underwent an emergency cesarean section procedure to deliver him. She died soon after.

Some 30 people tried to lift the front of the bus off the pregnant traffic agent. She was then rushed to St. Barnabas Hospital. The driver of the van was Walter Walker, a 72-year-old man with an extensive history of traffic offenses. In a statement to the New York Post, Walker said that his brakes wouldn’t work, and he tried to stop his van to avoid hitting Sanz.

Wrongful Death

Family members that have lost loved ones in accidents may be entitled to compensation from the liable party or parties. In Maryland, barring certain exceptions noted by the state’s wrongful death statute, the husband, wife, son, daughter, mother or father of the deceased can file a claim for wrongful death. If the decedent has no primary beneficiaries, secondary beneficiaries may be entitled to claim recovery.

Depending on the specifics of the case, wrongful death damages may include compensation for mental trauma, emotional trauma, loss of companionship, loss of society, loss of comfort, loss of parental care, loss of filial care, and other damages.

Dad loses his miracle: Bus baby’s tragic death leaves pa numb with grief,, August 22, 2008
Bystanders Lift Bus Off Pregnant Mom,, August 15, 2008

Related Web Resource:

Maryland: Wrongful Death and Intestacy Statutes,

Our Baltimore wrongful death lawyers at Lebowitz & Mzhen represent clients whose loved ones have died in car accidents, medical malpractice accidents, boating accidents, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents, and other accidents caused by negligent persons or entities.

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